

AG Conference - Preserving forest soils and their functioning

Erwin Ulrich's lecture
on "Preserving forest soils and their functioning".

At our Annual General Meeting on 22 June last, our speaker, Erwin Ulrich, national coordinator of the mission to adapt forests to climate change within the Forests and Natural Hazards Directorate of the French Environment Ministry, gave a presentation on the role of forests in climate change.Office national des Forêts (ONF, France), a specialist in forest soils and forestry machinery, gave a talk entitled : Preserving forest soils and their functioning.
This conference dealt in particular with the impacts of forestry operations on forest soils and, above all, the measures to be taken to avoid these impacts as far as possible.

speaker Erwin Ulrich

Summary of the conference

For as long as humans have been harvesting wood from forests, they have been impacting forest soils to varying degrees. It is only in the last 50 years or so that the consequences of this impact have been studied scientifically. The stages leading up to and beyond compaction will be presented, along with their consequences for soils and trees. In order to significantly reduce these impacts, a large number of recommendations have been put forward to forest managers, operators and forestry work companies, set out in the Pratic'Sols guide by the ONF and the French Forestry Commission. National Federation of Territorial Entrepreneurs (FNEDT). For the ONF, this issue is so important that it has been taken into account in the national strategy for adapting forests to climate change. This strategy will be briefly presented.

Full conference presentation

By Erwin Ulrich, National coordinator of the mission to adapt forests to climate change within the Forests and Natural Risks Department of the Office National des Forêts (ONF), France

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